Sunday, 29 January 2012

When Gracious Almighty Krishna was leaving the earth--

When Gracious Almighty Krishna was leaving the earth--

"Looking at Madhava, the Devas bowed down.
They gazed at the Form attentively;
Showered flowers on Him joyfully.

With folded palms, in separate groups,
They in devotion sang Krishna's deeds.
Some were doing Krishna's kirttana,
Some were dancing on to the tunes.
Instrumental sounds prevailed over sky;
Deva's beating of dundubhi rang high.
'Glory be to Krishna' was pronounced joyously.

Hearing sounds Hari looked above Him;
He met Brahma in front of Him.
Seeing other Devas too in front,
Almighty Krishna shut both eyes.

After performing yoga concentration all,
Placing Himself in Supreme Soul,
Leaving instantly the human nature,
Into Vaikuntha didst Hari enter.

As in clouds a lighting flash,
Is too fast for anyone to trace,
So also Krishna's speed of merger,
Was too difficult for Devas to discover.

The Body that was a meditating object,
Its sight made even Himself amazed.
Such a Body suddenly vanished,
As does the lightening flash.

Virtues like Beauty, Faith, Truth, Patience
With Krishna did all depart hence.
Seeing the happenings of the kinds,
Devas were stupefied in minds.

Wonderful was Krishna's yogic movement;
Seeing it Devas admired and were all content.
To King Parikshita Sage Suka said thus.
O king, won't be amazed at it;
Dead sons from Yama He brought,
As gift to Guru didst He offer;
As human to heaven He sent the hunter.

When by brahma-astra you were burnt,
He with Mace didst you protect.
Deva Hari, being the origin of all creation,
Didst not let survive the Yadu clan.

There is no smooth sailing in man;
Everything is disarrayed at the end.
Lord Hari didst demonstrate it;
Destroying the clan didst he depart.

It is one of the sportive deeds of Krishna,
One who chants about these always,
Surely in Vaikuntha does dwell;
Knowing it, give up idleness all.

Do Hari kirttana always;
Won't die by saying worthless words.
Krishna's kinkara Sankara thus says:
Ye all, chant hari-hari always."

(some verses from the Holy Bhagavata Purana)